video installation | main video 6:43 min
Camera & Edit by M. Soukup
Sound by Igor Hax
produced during 'DEC Lab' residency
February - June 2011 at Metal Culture Southend

The 'Un Space' video project explores an 'in between' place, a fascinating space in continuous change, which is characterized by a cyclic accessibility relating to forces of gravity.
During the DEC lab in February 2011 Graham Harwood invited me to have a walk on the 'mud'. This experience was the starting point for the project and made me explore the subject of the tidal phenomenon in more detail during a following residency at Metal Culture in Southend.
The main video incorporates stop-motion animated scenes, which required longer periods of observation. An animation about the relation between tidal and lunar movement is shown on a second monitor.
The installation was first shown at METAL CULTURE Southend and Liverpool as part of the 'STILL - Conflict, Conservation & Contemplation' exhibition for which it was commissioned by curator Simon Poulter in 2011.